St. George's Episcopal Church

st. George’s Episcopal Church


Reserve your space

This agreement between St. George's Episcopal Church (herein known as "SGEC") and the Parking Permit Holder (herein known as "PPH), per information provided below, is for weekly or full term beginning on May 22, 2023, and ending on August 26, 2023, for the purposes of reserving a parking space for the PPH's personal vehicle at the location of 1 Park Court, Durham, NH 02824.

  • For full term: The fee for the entire term period is $300.00 (three hundred dollars and zero cents). To reserve a permit, the full balance and a signed copy of this agreement is due by May 16, 2023.

Payments can be made by credit card, ACH (bank account), or personal check made payable to "St. George's Episcopal Church" with "Parking - Summer 2023" written on the memo line. Payment AND signed agreement must be confirmed as received by a representative of SGEC in an email to the PPH before parking can commence.